The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People partnered with Josef und Luise Kraft Stiftung, a Global Alliance member organization, to organize a side event at the 14th session of the open-ended Working Group on Ageing. The side event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the UN and the National Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines.

Opening Remarks

H.E. Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations – New York, set the stage with an update on the discussion underway on the human rights of older people.

A New World with a UN Convention

Three older campaigners shared the realities they see in a world without a UN Convention. They then inspired us with a new world of positive possibilities when there is a UN Conventions. We are grateful to Elke Schilling, Hira Meta, and Kofoworola Aderogba for their generosity in sharing. The audience then engaged in a dialogue on their views.

The discussions, rich with diverse perspectives, surfaced some key concepts that will form the foundation of a new UN convention. This active participation and exchange of ideas were instrumental in moving the conversation forward.

Closing Remarks

Commissioner Beda Epres of the National Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines emphasized the “universal” need for a UN Convention, amongst other key messages, in his remarks. Ms. Caroline Greene summarized the event with helpful insights.


The Side Event is available for viewing at UN Web TV