A world where older persons live and age without boundaries

The Ordinary World

We, as individuals, are unique, be it eight years old or eighty years old. Our thirst for independence, our desire to dream, and our need for security is just as real at eighty years old as at eight years old. Thus, we push back on boundaries, no matter our age. That is especially so in old age where boundary, perceived or real, is thrust upon us by ourselves, our society, or our systems. Sometimes, we are able to push back and live the way we want in old age. Sometimes, not. That is why Age Knowble came into being.

The Call to Adventure

Margaret Young founded Age Knowble in 2019. Our social enterprise empowers the older persons and strengthens the ecosystems they need to live secure and thriving lives.

By amplifying the voices of the older person, engaging their lived experiences in the system design, and collaborating across sectors, we will have a world where the older persons live and age without boundaries.

Margaret believes this world will exist one day. This day is possible when we truly listen to older persons, when we collaborate despite the competition, and when we welcome old age as part of the life course, no different from toddler years and middle-age years.

Crossing the Threshold

Margaret’s insatiable curiosity fuels her desire to engage, understand, and connect people for action. This curiosity was pivotal to her award-winning career with Canada’s largest financial institution where she honed her craft in system thinking, organizational development, and leadership. This curiosity also shaped her path in becoming a champion for the older person.

Age Knowble has two areas of focus in its early days. The first is the rights of older persons. The second is undertaking initiatives that empower aging in place and the community. If our goals sound like something you would like to support, please get in touch at hello@ageknowble.com. And let’s start the dialogue!